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Whatsoever you do...

Have you ever gone through a day where it feels like you haven't accomplished anything important for Christ? I have.

I can remember one day in particular, it happened in my early teens. I was feeling very discouraged over the piles of laundry that I folded every day, the same dishes that I washed every day, and helping cook meals for my family.

I told my Dad how I felt, that what I did every day was so little and unimportant, that I wasn't doing anything big for Christ.

He told me that by serving my family, I WAS serving Christ! Not long after this conversation, I was reading my Bible and came across this encouraging verse:

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"

Colossians 3:23

So, when you feel discouraged in your daily life, and you wonder if you are doing anything 'important' for the Lord, remember that in washing dishes, folding laundry, cooking, or whatever else you do on a regular basis; you are serving your family and those around you, and in doing so, you ARE serving Christ!

I still have days where I feel like I did that day, and this verse often comes to mind in those moments, reminding me of the truth in God's Word!

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