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An Adventurous Evening

November 1st, 2017

The day began like most other days when I go to work . . . I got up, dressed, made/packed my lunch, and grabbed some toast for breakfast. I got to work earlier than usual this morning, and began my usual tasks. Shortly after noon, I ate my lunch, relaxed for a few minutes, and then returned to my work.

I finished in the early evening, and headed for the grocery store to pick up a few things for my Mom. It had been snowing lightly throughout the afternoon, but it was coming down thicker, now. I quickly purchased the items on my short list, put them into the backseat of my car, and started for home.

I was about half-way home when I felt the back end of my car start to slide sideways, I immediately took my foot off the accelerator, and braked lightly, this caused me to turn sideways even more, so I coasted right into the ditch, didn't slow down enough, and ramped a driveway. I landed, knew I was still alive and unhurt, and tried to drive out of the ditch, but I was stuck.

So, I called my mom, said I'd hit the ditch, but was unharmed. She told my dad; he, and my brothers got a tow rope, and carefully drove out to pick me up. After hanging up the phone with my mom, I decided to get out of my car and see how bad the damage was. I saw that both my front and back bumper were in very poor condition, and I didn't know what else might be wrong.

I got back in the car to wait, and see what my dad would say about how bad the damage was. While I waited, there were 3 vehicles that stopped, and the drivers asked me if I was ,or needed any help. I told them that help was on the way, and thanked them for stopping to ask.

My Dad came, and he and my brothers helped me gather my stuff along with the groceries, and put it into my Dad's truck. After looking at my car for a couple of minutes, my Dad said, "I think it's totaled." Well, that was a surprise to me! but after listening to the different parts that would need replacing, I understood why he had come to that conclusion. We drove home slowly, brought in the groceries, and I ate a late supper.

I am still a bit shocked and shaky, but I have learned an important lesson through this experience: to drive slower on icy roads in the future. I would very strongly suggest that all of you would be extremely careful on the road as you travel this winter. I am VERY thankful that God protected me, and that I came away from this with no physical injuries!

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