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Camping in Miami

We camped at our good friends place this weekend, and had a blast! There was delicious food, lots of good laughs, great Biblical discussions, several 'Flash Thunderstorms', a spur of the moment trip to the Miami Museum, early morning strawberry picking, and many trips to the barn. We swam, shot targets (with .22s) and clay pigeons, colored pictures, sang hymns, sat around a campfire, stayed up late, and woke up early. It was a lot of fun!

Most of the pictures are terrible quality, I know, I was using a cheap point & shoot camera ... which is for the birds. ;)

The clearer pics were taken by my mom, thanks!

Eating wonderful food and enjoying each other's company.

Some of the animals from the barn and yard.

The baby bunnies were adorable!

Pic 1. Watching the boys shoot, from a safe distance. Pic 2. Our evening campfire after supper. Pic 3. The little boy's tent, (they made sure it was on high ground this year, and not next to the downspout's path ;) Pic 4. Part of the strawberry patch we picked from, they were delicious! Pic 5. Malachi enjoying the gun range. Pic 6. One of the many gardens, the pasture is in the background. Pics 7 & 8. Various puzzles that kept myself, and many others completely preoccupied, and most bewildered for ... well, I won't say how long... Pic 9. Luke enjoyed wearing that particular green pot on his head while singing, and trying to see where he was going. It was a funny sight to look upon. Pics 10, 11, & 12 are pictures that our kind hostess, myself, and my mom colored.

Pics 1-5. Fun on the gun range. Pic 6. Luke wasn't happy that he couldn't shoot every time. Pic 7. Elias and Malachi chillin'. Pic 8. Carolyn poised to shoot her invisible gun. Pic 9. Me relaxing and watching the shooting. Pic 10. Reuben's prize rabbit. Pic 11. Reuben and Dan. Pic 12. Luke! So cute! Pic 13. A beautiful sunset behind the lovely blue barn. Pic 14. Luke wasn't the only one who liked to wear the green pot on his head... Pic 15. Quail egg and Chicken egg.

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